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Going forward, most of our activities will be held in-person to focus on community building and experiential worship. However, we recognize that virtual options are often required and sometimes preferred, so hybrid options are being offered wherever possible. Please contact our office if you have any questions.
Visit our online worship page for a one-stop shop for joining us virtually on Sunday mornings.
We livestream via our YouTube channel each week (like + subscribe!)
Resources for the Ridge Road online experience:
We have resumed in-person worship on Sunday mornings. Please continue to engage in preventative actions to protect yourself and others.
Previous Updates/Guidelines
Update (2.28.22): Based on the removal of mask mandates by the City of Raleigh and Wake County, as well as reviewing trends and local health data, masks are now optional at Ridge Road. Other protocols are being reviewed and will be adjusted as needed. We ask that if you are not feeling well, please stay home and join us online. Don't hesitate to contact the church office with any questions. Please continue to show grace and stay safe.
Update (10.31.21): Sunday, November 7, we will return to our 11am worship start time. Sunday School classes are reverting to their normal start time prior to worship. We will be resuming congregational singing, but we ask that you continue to wear a mask indoors as required by the City of Raleigh and Ridge Road. Please contact the office with any questions.
Update (8.13.21): Citing the increase in COVID-19 cases, Raleigh's Mayor with support of City Council, is requiring face covering use in indoor spaces within the City limits as of 5 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 13. This requirement will be in place regardless of a person’s vaccination status.
In addition, the City strongly encourages mask use in outdoor spaces when social distancing is not possible. Thank you for understanding – masks will be available at the entrance of worship for your convenience.
Update (7.29.21): Unfortunately, Covid-19 cases have been rising rapidly in our community and across the State. The majority of these are due to the Delta variant which is much more contagious and easily spread. The CDC now recommends that all people (regardless of vaccination status) wear a mask while in public places indoors.
The RRBCH Re-opening Committee has presented a detailed plan for our worship services. Please contact the office if you would like a copy.
As we plan for re-opening the Sanctuary, please pray for the safety of all concerned.
Entering worship:
During worship:
Exiting worship:
More information:
Any activities on our campus need to be approved ahead of time by the RRBC leadership team.
Since scheduling will be somewhat of a challenge due to the changing needs of each group as well as our own activities, please be patient as we determine the best way to serve.
A few friendly reminders (not all-inclusive of our COVID-19 policy):
We are ready to help! Running errands, picking up groceries, financial troubles, safety, or simply a phone call–we want to help. Reach out to your Deacon, RRBC staff or your fellow church family members.
North Carolina COVID-19 information
Wake County COVID-19 information
Ridge Road Baptist Church
2011 Ridge Road, Raleigh, NC 27607
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